Wednesday, 1 June 2011

                         Human creation is very miracle to discuss in every perspective. Now, we are looking at the human creation in biological perspective. God, has regulated everything to make possible human’s life. This miracle evidence was begun by human reproduction. It begins to work after man and women  having puberty.  Every process from fertilization until birth does not happen accidentally. You will get many fact that can make you realize how complicated  your being are.
            Harun yahya, he is also known as opponent of  evolutionist, arrange this book by compiling many articles and book  rejecting  evolution theory. He want to proof  the truth of creation theory. According to this purpose, Harun Yahya concern in every chapter on this book in explaining the mistake of evolution theory.
The chapters of this book are included :
·         a miraculous system created
·         for a new life, a perfect army set
·         on its goal, the role of the egg cell in the
·         formation of a new human being, the creation of a human being, from a cell, towards a new world, embryology rejects,
·         the lie of evolution
·                                  the evolution misconception
For moslem, this book is very appropriate  to be read. It can make you believe in the existence of Allah.  writer integrated the science invention on developmental of baby with the verses in holly quran. Quran has explained the fact on science on human creation. Reader can interpret the verse qur’an  that related to human creation by reading this book. Student of psychology also can make this book as reference in their developmental psychology course, by reading this book at least you will look at human in different view if our course just concern in evolution perspective.
Title                             : The Miracle on Human Creation
Writer                          : Harun Yahya
Year                            : 2001
Publisher                     : GoodWork books
Download Link           :,id=14650


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