The book is a basic requirement for students. He cannot be called as a student if has never read a book moreover buy it. As a student who cares about college, needs references to the primary needs are certainly more important than the secondary needs such as fashion apparel, or notebook mode. Quality of books will increase student capacity to understand thoroughly the various courses that are being pursued. However, the question is how the book could have qualified. A student must be willing to spend much of money to buy a good book. During these books in certain subjects that are considered qualified are written by scientists or foreign experts in English, because it is able to provide detailed and comprehensive understanding. Prices of books translated from English language references are not cheap. for example in the field of psychology book called "Life Span Develepment" by JW Santrock which has been translated into Indonesian and published by Airlangga prices reached USD 20. The budget to buy the book will increase over the quality demands of knowledge a student. However, it does not mean this is not tricked, however, students should be able to utilize all means available to get a good book.

One solution of this problem is to use the Internet facilities. Students can use internet facility to download various types of books are in. Pdf as a reference or supplementary reading with a variety of themes ranging from information technology, psychology, health, English and economically free. The main prerequisite is a little perseverance and the willingness and ability to understand English. Perseverance is required to find the download links from the books, by tracing in detail for example, after entering a keyword in google like "link download beginning google book bloggers" user will find many links, with perseverance users will find a link where the book can be downloaded. Users can also login to the site share the address book as where there are hundreds of shared book that can be downloaded at that address by entering keywords in the search book. Other capital is little ability to understand English. The books on the share is nearly 90% use English, so at least those of you who want to understand the book should be a little understanding of English. By such means, at least the problem of limited funds to purchase a good references can be solved. In addition, it also motivated to increase capacity in a foreign language. Students who are creative to be sensitive and have open mind to the environment in the sense of not relying on references in Indonesian language only that are very limited number, but also use English-language references, scattered freely in the virtual world in very much.

One solution of this problem is to use the Internet facilities. Students can use internet facility to download various types of books are in. Pdf as a reference or supplementary reading with a variety of themes ranging from information technology, psychology, health, English and economically free. The main prerequisite is a little perseverance and the willingness and ability to understand English. Perseverance is required to find the download links from the books, by tracing in detail for example, after entering a keyword in google like "link download beginning google book bloggers" user will find many links, with perseverance users will find a link where the book can be downloaded. Users can also login to the site share the address book as where there are hundreds of shared book that can be downloaded at that address by entering keywords in the search book. Other capital is little ability to understand English. The books on the share is nearly 90% use English, so at least those of you who want to understand the book should be a little understanding of English. By such means, at least the problem of limited funds to purchase a good references can be solved. In addition, it also motivated to increase capacity in a foreign language. Students who are creative to be sensitive and have open mind to the environment in the sense of not relying on references in Indonesian language only that are very limited number, but also use English-language references, scattered freely in the virtual world in very much.
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