Everyone who has been puberty has fallen in love. At least he or she has a feeling when looking at opposite sex else. It is normal because it is the main emotional characteristic when someone being adolescence. Being adolescent, it means that many problems will come to him or her. Woman are physically faster than man to become adolescent, but it does not mean that woman are faster in falling in love to opposite sex than man. In this age, they want to make relationship more intimate. The point you must understand is it is calf love or true love? Let’s find your love categories here, bellow are the theories of love which has been considered by some psychologists.
Earlier researcher had thought love too mysterious for scientific study, but now they have begun to study about love by characterized it into various component. The starting point, researcher distinguish between passionate and companionate love. Passionate love involves continuously thinking about the loved one and is accompanied by warm sexual feelings and powerful emotional reactions. Companionate love involves having trusting and tender feelings for someone whose life closely bound up with one’s own.
One of the famous theory of love is triangular theory of love by Robert Sternberg (1999). Look at the picture bellow. This theory said that love has tree component. Passion, Intimacy, and Commitment. Passion is Feeling physically aroused and attracted to someone. Intimacy is Feeling close and connected to someone, it develops through sharing and communicating. Commitment is making a pledge to nourish the feelings of love and to actively maintain the relationship.
After reading this theory you must understand which your love is?. You must know it, that love not only in the first sight when you met her or him and look at her beautiful face. Love need thus tree components. In order word, you must love someone and like her or him physically, and you have to keep your trust to you lovely people. Don’t just think about your desire to your lovely people, you must keep and promise that you will keep your feelings. Human are not same as animal which can love its opposite sex in every meeting and sight, but human must keep his desire.
Certainly, we must believe that love is a gift from god. Love does not mean only loving by desire, but love also love your lovely people’s weakness. Try to think about the worst something that she or he has than realize it and accept it then you fall in love and make intimacy and commitment.
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