Saturday 18 June 2011

            I told you my story when I was queuing to make cash withdrawals at Automatic Teller Machine. After a few minutes waiting in line, The last people in the ATM transaction has completed his transaction. But I was dealing with a person in a few seconds. Once I get an ATM card from ATM turns out the person is still inside the ATM machine. Finally I tried to chase that person to return the valuables to him. Unfortunately, I could no longer remember how the characteristics of the person in detail. When met after he came out of the ATM before, I only remember that the person is wearing a Black Jacket. I experienced this event closely associated with memory.
Memory or memory is a function of the brain that involve cognition in information retrieval. In the psychology of memory widely studied through the field of psychology physiology. The process of remembering, namely: 1) obtain information 2) store the information 3) recall information. Generally memory is divided into two: Short-term memory (short-term memory) or Long Term Memory (long-term memory). Short-term memory working only a few minutes. While short-term memory is a storehouse of information that can be called back after hours or even a lifetime. To achieve long-term memory information that has been stored in the Sort Term Memory must undergo certain processes rather than by itself. The things that affect them is repetition, which means how often the information is repeated for the remember or recalled. Besides, how meaningful information also affects his memory, it is also called a meaning full moment . Recall Recall includes absorbing information that has been studied previously without or with little assistance of external cues. For example when someone is working on an essay about it do not have choices that can be useful to recall the answer. Recognition Recognition include identifying information that has been previously studied with the help of cues from the outside. For example when someone is there to answer questions multiple choice someone gets help to recall the things he had learned through the answer choices that are available.
Memory Organization
One of the questions is proving of great human memory is how our memory can store hundreds of faces, names dozens of other movie player and so on. This process can be explained through a theory called network theory. This theory explains that  we keep these ideas in a separate or distinct categories called nodes (vertices). Besides, we make associations between information that has been studied we also make a link or relationship between nodes such that adorn thousands of connections between files which exceptional in storing and absorbing information.


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