Thursday, 14 April 2011

The creation of man is an incredible miracle. He is the God who created man from a drop of semen. Travel before it is born into the world of human creation is very long, complex and very amazing magic. In brief, the human journey is a single cell in the mother's womb is weak, and smaller than a grain of salt, the cell divides into two, four, and sixteen. These cells continually divide and become a piece of meat. Then the lump of meat into a particular shape. Form the arms, legs, eyes. The first miracle of human creation is in the body of a woman's ovary organ section contained egg cell (ovum) cell maturation process of egg maturation experience then move into an organ called the fallopian tubes and traveled far to finally get to the womb of the mother. God created everything in such a way that the egg can travel through the fallopian tubes to get to the womb of the mother. If  the cells are not fertilized for about 24 hours, eggs cell will die. So it  needs sperm in the male body which is produced in the testes to fertilize it. Sperm will fertilize the egg cells and carry 23 chromosomes which  contains all information about the human body even to the very detail information is also stored in this chromosome. To be human 23 chromosomes sperm cells from the father must be united with 23 chromosomes in the mother cell. But the journey of sperm to fertilize an egg cell is not easy, about 250 million sperm which have been sent into the womb of the mother will die immediately. Only the number of sperm that had escaped into the womb of the mother and reach the entrance to the fallopian tubes. About 100 sperm and egg can meet egg cell and it was only 1 sperm cell  allowed unite eggs cell  which managed to bring the body's genetic data from the father. Two sets of genetic information from father and mother then combined with one another and eventually united into one cell in which there is all the information on unborn human beings from the eyes, complexion, color of hair and all forms of physical characteristics. Immediately after fertilization the cells divide into two new cells and then split again into 4 cells. Cells that continue to divide running in the fallopian tubes, collection of cells is known as a zygote. at the time of the cells in the zygote to divide and multiply, there was a miracle in which some cells start to grow differently from the other. The cells are in the middle will form the embryo, and the cells around it will form the placenta that feeds the developing embryo. After about 4 days after fertilization the zygote will patch and be planted in the mother's uterine wall. And the new creature that is embryo begins to grow. Cells that do not have consciousness begins to form the internal organs, skeletal and brain. At first, these cells used with each other each other become brain cells. After that other cells form the heart and after that the heart is formed. Then other cells separate to form blood vessels. Then in the fifth week of the hands and feet of the embryo begins to form from arms, fingers, feet and toe face began to form on the stage of 4 weeks, then began to eye on the hole formed in the face of it at week six . then formed ears. Along with the increase in the month, the baby in the mother's abdomen and then grow by taking a certain shape, and he was ready to begin life outside the world and it came on the last stage of birth. The baby will be born through the birth and the mother's pelvic bone. At the time of the birth of a baby's skull bones are soft and stretch created to protect the pins when going out. Then after the birth of the bones are hardening. 

Santrock JW. 2002 Life span development (translation). Jakarta: Airlangga 
Harun Yahya. 2001. The Miracle of Human creation. Goodword book 2003


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